Pathfinder 29 - Wye Valley And Forest Of Dean, DEAN
The Ordnance Survey Pathfinder series provides comprehensive information on local walks of varying lengths around Wye Valley and the Forest of Dean. The series uses written descriptions and Ordnance Survey mapping to guide walkers along circular, graded routes around the area._A comprehensive guide book...
Pathfinder 39 - Durham, North Pennines And Tyne And Wear, PENNINES
The Ordnance Survey Pathfinder series provides comprehensive information on local walks of varying lengths around Durham, North Pennines and Tyne and Wear. The series uses written descriptions and Ordnance Survey mapping to guide walkers along circular, graded routes around the area._A comprehensive...
Pathfinder Gps For Walkers In Western Europe Guide - Blue, Blue
The clear and easy-to-follow Pathfinder GPS for Walkers in Western Europe Guide has been written by well-respected mountain guide Clive Thomas and contains everything you need to know to help you get the most from your GPS system abroad.It provides a fundamental understanding of the Universal Transverse...