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Image of Westlake 2 Hook 1Up 1Down Rig (Size 1/0) - Multi, Multi

Westlake 2 Hook 1Up 1Down Rig (Size 1/0) - Multi, Multi

The 2 Hook, 1 Up, 1 Down Rig from Westlake has been designed to fish with one bait above the lead and one below, maximising the area covered. Use with worm bait, crab, fish strip and squid.Baits: worm, crab, fish strip, squidHook size: 1/0Body total length: 130cmBody material: 80lb clear monoTop snood...

Image of Westlake 2 Hook Plaice Rig (1/0) - Clear, Clear

Westlake 2 Hook Plaice Rig (1/0) - Clear, Clear

The Plaice Rig from Westlake has been designed specifically for targeting Plaice from both shore and boat. As well, both snoods on the rig have been fitted with attractor beads which will flutter in the current, causing more attraction.Ideal for fishing on boat and shoreSpecies: PlaiceBaits: Worm, Crab,...

Image of Westlake 2 Hook Pulley Pennel Rig (Size 1/0) - Multi, Multi

Westlake 2 Hook Pulley Pennel Rig (Size 1/0) - Multi, Multi

The design of the 2 Hook Pulley Pennel Rig incorporates a free-sliding hook which allows anglers to use big baits like whole squid or fish fillets. It works by being attached to your mainline and is ideal for catching species like Bass, Cod and Rays.Ideal for catching Bass, Cod and RaysPerfect for fishing...

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