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Image of adidas C-21x Bluetooth Indoor Cycle

Enjoy outdoor cycling experience indoors and start an interactive fitness journey with the upgraded adidas C-21x Bluetooth indoor cycle. This improved, sleek-looking bike with Bluetooth connectivity enables you to train with the compatible Zwift, Peloton and Kinomap apps (60-day Free Kinomap trial included). Discover a huge selection of live and on-demand classes led by elite trainers, cycle real-world routes, join scheduled multiplayer sessions and get access to thrilling video game style training. To provide a consistent, frictionless ride, there is a 16kg (35lbs) flywheel, whilst 8 levels of manual resistance and 4 built-in programmes deliver added challenge and variety. Check progress on...

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Best Price: £649.00 from Sweatband

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Sweatband adidas C-21x Bluetooth Indoor Cycle £649.00 Visit Store

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